The Datalys Center is committed to the prevention of injuries. Information is the key to prevention. In addition to gathering and interpreting data, the Datalys Center provides sports and physical activity injury resources for program participants, researchers, organizations and the public. To further the mission of injury reserach and prevention, the Datalys Center is pleased to announce the creation of a grant to help fund the research of Graduate and Doctoral students. The attached link below provides the application.
The Datalys Injury Statistics Clearninghouse
A comprehensive list of informational, scientific and advocacy websites concerned with the health and safety of athletes and the physically active.
Datalys, in collaboration with the American College of Sports Medicine, STOP Sports Injuries, the National Athletic Trainers Association, and the National Youth Sports Health and Safety Institue, also has several fact sheets that provide information on the many benefits of youth sports participation including:
Datalys Center Grant Program
The Datalys Center offers grants to Graduate and Doctoral students (1000 and 1500 dollars respectively) to help them conduct research in line with the mission of the Datalys Center, with special regard given to projects that include the use of NCAA Injury Surveillance Program data. Applications are limited to current students enrolled in a post-graduate program at an NCAA member institution or former collegiate athletes. A full list of eligibility requirements and restrictions can be found in the application materials here.
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