Discusión entre pares / 29 year old female with gun shot wound over left humerus 3×4 cm open entry wound. Distal neurovascular status normal. Opinions please !!

29 year old female with gun shot wound over left humerus
3×4 cm open entry wound.
Distal neurovascular status normal.
Opinions please !!
  • Ajay Rajput If golden hr has been passed than ext fixator n wait for healing of wound after healing bridging plate if needed thn bone graft also
    27 min · Me gusta · 1

  • Shivendra Sinha debridement thorougly$ ext fixation provisionally.later on orif with plating
    22 min · Me gusta · 2

  • Shah Nisar Ex fixator to begin with….later if ur r able to control infection conservative if there is no defect or Orif+bg if defect

  • Adarsh Thammaiah «SUPER » debridement. ex fix with antibiotic cement beeds . wait for 4 weeks. if no infection…..locking plate and screws with bone grafting.